Saver's Credit Calculator 2013 / 2014

Marital Status
Adjusted Gross Income:
Net Contributions:


Saver's Credit:

Who's eligible for the credit?

You're eligible for the credit if you're:

  1. Age 18 or older;
  2. Not a full-time student; and
  3. Not claimed as a dependent on another person’s return.

Retirement savings eligible for the credit

The Saver’s Credit can be taken for your contributions to a traditional or Roth IRA; your 401(k), SIMPLE IRA, SARSEP, 403(b), 501(c)(18) or governmental 457(b) plan; and your voluntary after-tax employee contributions to your qualified retirement and 403(b) plans.

Rollover contributions aren’t eligible for the Saver’s Credit. Also, your eligible contributions may be reduced by any recent distributions you received from a retirement plan or IRA.

Example: Jill, who works at a retail store, is married and earned $30,000 in 2013. Jill’s husband was unemployed in 2013 and didn’t have any earnings. Jill contributed $1,000 to her IRA in 2013. After deducting her IRA contribution, the adjusted gross income shown on her joint return is $29,000. Jill may claim a 50% credit, $500, for her $1,000 IRA contribution.